What are Service Organizations?
You've seen them on TV, or read about them in the
newspapers -- these are the people on the frontlines
providing food, shelter,
and support where it's most needed
around the globe.
Many people have adopted a practice of contributing
a set percentage of the income (typically 5 to 10%)
to worth-while charities and projects.

it's so important...
So many of us yearn to make a difference in the
world, but tend to get caught-up in the many details
of our day-to-day lives.
By contributing a small percentage of our monthly
income to projects and organizations that are
actively contributing to the greater good, we expand
our own sphere of influence, as well as
fostering a sense of well-being and self-esteem.
How do I learn more?
In the websites section of
this site are listed a number of organizations that
have a solid track record of utilitizing their
contributed funds into effective action in the world.
Also take a look at the videos section for
a first-hand glimpse of what these organizations are
up to.
In the books section,
I've listed a number of books that discuss clear ways
to transform your contributions into effective
And, of course, volunteering for
these organizations can often be the best
contribution you can make. Each of the organizations
listed in the websites section have
chapters all of the world and are contantly looking
for volunteers.